The Benefits of OptiLight Eye Treatment for Care and Aesthetics

The Benefits of OptiLight Eye Treatment for Care and Aesthetics

The Benefits of OptiLight Eye Treatment for Care and Aesthetics

The Benefits of OptiLight Eye Treatment for Care and Aesthetics

The Benefits of OptiLight Eye Treatment for Care and Aesthetics

Do you suffer from dry eyes? Do you experience itching, burning, redness, or blurry vision? If so, you are not alone. Dry eye syndrome is a common and long-lasting problem that can harm your eye health and wellness.


What Is Dry Eye Syndrome?


Dry eye syndrome can have many causes, but one of the most common is meibomian gland dysfunction (MGD). This is when the tiny oil glands in your eyelids get clogged or inflamed, limiting their production of oil to lubricate your eyes and protect them from tear evaporation.

Fortunately, a new and effective treatment for dry eye syndrome resulting from MGD exists. This is the OptiLight® eye treatment, which uses light to heal your eyes. 


What Is OptiLight Eye Treatment?


This light-based therapy uses intense pulsed light (IPL) to treat dry eye syndrome caused by MGD. IPL is a technology that emits light flashes with different wavelengths and intensities. This treatment has a long history of providing various benefits for beauty and health. These include removing hair, improving skin, and fixing blood vessel problems.

OptiLight is the only IPL device with FDA approval for treating dry eye syndrome caused by MGD. Lumenis, the inventor of IPL and a global leader in energy-based technologies, developed this treatment.


How Does It Work?


OptiLight works by applying light pulses to the skin below your eyes. The light energy penetrates the skin, reaching the blood vessels and nerves that supply the meibomian glands. The light stimulates a cascade of biological effects that reduce inflammation, improve blood flow, and restore gland function.

OptiLight also destroys the abnormal blood vessels that contribute to inflammation and reduces the population of Demodex mites. These microscopic parasites live on the eyelids and can cause infection and irritation.

This treatment involves four sessions spaced two to four weeks apart. Each session takes about 15 minutes. The treatment is noninvasive, gentle, and comfortable. The light might make you feel some heat, but it does not hurt or damage your skin.




OptiLight can offer many benefits for your eye care and aesthetics. Here are some of them:

  • It can significantly improve tear quality and quantity, reduce eye discomfort and irritation, and enhance visual clarity and stability. This can relieve your dry eye symptoms

  • It can stop or delay the worsening of dry eye syndrome and its complications, such as harm to the cornea, infection, or blindness

  • It can improve your appearance by reducing the redness, swelling, and dark circles around your eyes caused by dry eye syndrome. Another benefit is that it can make your skin look younger by boosting collagen formation and fading dark spots and lines

  • It can help you feel more comfortable and confident in your daily activities and social interactions. You can enjoy reading, working on a computer, watching TV, or wearing contact lenses without worrying about dry eyes




Would you like to try OptiLight Eye Treatment for your dry eye syndrome caused by MGD? If so, contact a certified provider in your area to discover how it can improve your life.

For more information on OptiLight eye treatment, visit Enclave Vision at our Houston, Texas, office. Call 281-759-3937 to discuss any questions with our team of experts or to schedule an appointment today.